Well, it's time to scan the long list of blog posts in my Google Reader. I look for post titles that look like they have to do with BEING among the vast posts about DOING. Below are a few I think you need to read as you pursue God's call on your life as a Ministry Leader...
You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with (from Todd Rhoades)
Who Are You When It Doesn’t Matter? (from TheCreativePunk)
4 Marriage Tips I Picked up (from JasonS)
A Week of Weary (from Sandra Heska King)
The "Real" Me (from N.A. Winter)
Helping Others Help You (from Lindsay Nobles)
If you are new to "Don't Stop Growing" posts, let me explain. There is a ton of information on how to DO leadership. You can read about how to delegate, how to listen, how to strategize, how to plan, and on it goes. And it's tremendous information. But I am interested in the posts that talk about how to BE a ministry leader. Mainly because, if we are not healthy and strong as ministry leaders, it doesn't matter how good we are at technique. So, enjoy these excellent posts. And if I've missed any posts you think should be added, put the link in a comment. Stay strong!
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