The pursuit of God. This phrase can be interpreted in 2 ways. One from my perspective. The other from God's.
I seek God. Well, truth be told, I have a bad habit of seeking God mostly when I'm in trouble or facing some sort of hardship. It's a common thing for me. I tend to go my own way when I'm feeling "successful". But the minute my world is rocked, there I am again chasing down God and all He can do to help me in my moment of need.
This past weekend we celebrated the graduation of our youngest. Like his sister three years ago, he wanted to have his graduation party at the house. Ohio in springtime presents quite an uncertain weather pattern especially when trying to plan anything outside. We were checking the weather several days ahead of the party. All the time, it looked like rain. In fact, the night before the party there were tremendous storms. Needless to say, we did a lot of "pursuing".
God seeks me. Truth be told, God seeks me pretty much ALL the time. When I am feeling "successful" or when I am completely down and distraught, God is right there pursuing me, chasing me down. I've come to believe God pursues a relationship. He desires relationship.
A very good friend of mine suggested I get a children's book, which I did. It's entitled, "Runaway Bunny." It's a cute little story of a young bunny who tries to be a lot of different things only to find his mother lovingly pursuing him all the time.
The pursuit of God. I like the perspective where the emphasis is on GOD. I like knowing He desires a relationship with me. Knowing that, I am compelled to pursue Him more consistently - not just when times are tough, but all the time - because He's always pursuing me.
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