Our capacity to serve strong is diminished in 3 ways (rate yourself as you read):
Bumbles. We all mess up now and again. We make mistakes. Everyone does. I make mistekas all the time =). If you're like me, when you make a mistake you receive forgiveness from others but don't forgive yourself. It's one thing to fall down and get back up. It's another thing to fall down and stay down, trying to serve while dragging yourself along the floor. Next time I make a mistake I'm gonna admit it, ask for forgiveness, forgive myself and move on. How about you?
Boobs. We all know difficult people. Not the person who has an honest disagreement with an opinion we hold (these people make us stronger if we take the time to listen to them). I'm talking about the irrational person. You know, the person who disagrees with you just for the sake of disagreement. The person who exercises transference of all their problems onto you, making you the lightning rod of their pain. We cannot let these people get to us. Lovingly extend grace. Lovingly extend mercy. Hold out hope of their personal growth in Christ. But don't let them tell you who you are in Christ. (And don't embody their problems as your own. I posted an article on this called, "Bridge People.")
Baubles. They are known as trinkets, toys, and "treasures". They are the stuff we buy for ourselves, thinking they will be the answer to our need for fulfillment. But we underestimate the cost when we buy something. Say you just bought the new iPad. Cool. Now, what will that cost you in terms of maintenance? What will it do to distract you from your focus? How much time will it take to drive it to the nearest Apple store for repair? I'm not against technology, that's not my point. But the next time you are faced with a buying decision, think about the real cost of the purchase. It extends beyond the price tag.
How are YOU doing on the Bumble-Boob-Bauble scale?
Good |_____________________________| Bad
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