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I am an expert. I know that comes as no surprise to you (*smile*). But before you fall down and worship at my feet, let me go into a bit of detail...
Hurry is when we feel the pressure to go in 15 separate, but equally, important directions at the same time (at least we think they're important but don't know why). It's a feeling of uneasiness and angst. Perhaps you've felt it yourself. There is little peace. The further you go the more behind you get. You are stretched in an unhealthy way. Hurry is not of God. Hurry is of the Enemy. It is not healthy. It's no way to live.
I am an expert at Hurry. It's my default. It's my specialty. With God's help I am getting worse at it and better at...
Intention is when we feel the passion to go in a direction that is in alignment with God's plan. It's a feeling of flow and rhythm. Perhaps you've felt it yourself. There is a deep, settled peace. The further you go the more you get accomplished. You are stretched in a healthy way. Intention is of God. Intention is not of the Enemy. It is healthy. It's the only way to live.
I am not an expert at Intention. It's my hobby. It's my ambition. With God's help I am getting better at it.
What about you? Do you hurry, feeling like there's this faceless force out there somewhere judging you if you don't please everyone as quickly as possible? Or are you intentional, doing what must get done, knowing it's the right thing to do?
The path from Hurry to Intention requires a dynamic, intimate walk with Jesus Christ. After all, how else will you know what to be intentional about in the first place? If you haven't cultivated this key relationship, perhaps that's the first step...
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