Janet Maykus, in an article for Sustaining Pastoral Excellence, shares this insight:
"Today, the health and well being of clergy is awful. This was not always the case. The Pulpit and Pew research project at Duke Divinity School points to studies conducted with Protestant clergy in the 1950’s. At that time, Protestant clergy had the lowest rates of disease for every major diagnosis and lived longer and healthier lives than people in any other profession. By 1983, another study found that Protestant clergy had the highest overall work-related stress of various religious professionals and the next to the lowest amount of personal resources to cope with the strain. A third study conducted in 1999 found that clergy have one of the highest death rates due to heart disease of any occupation."
Click to visit the entire article entitled, Condition: Critical. Exploring the causes of poor clergy health
According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are health consequences linked to obesity. These consequences can keep a pastor from serving as strong as they could. To address this, here are a few video games that help a person lose weight. The list is compiled by Mary Ward who writes about health issues. Click to review the entire article for more information. If you or someone you know struggles with health issues arising out of obesity perhaps this will help:
1. Wii Fit
2. GameRunner
3. Exer-Station
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