If you find yourself a very, very busy person these days, here’s a suggestion I have come to call my “Daily Sanity”.
You can see from the picture to the right is a notebook on my desk. This is a standard spiral bound notebook you can pick up at any normal office supply store. For each day, I dedicate 2 pages (the page on the left and the page on the right.)
The left page is where I record just those things that I MUST get done by the end of the day.
The right page is where I record any notes from the day, voicemail messages, or thoughts. If I do not complete those items on the right page by the end of the day, I dog ear that page until everything is either recorded, delegated or completed.
The great thing about this system is everything that must get done in the day is in one, single place. It becomes my script for the day. When I am tempted to stray from the script and get into a task that I haven’t planned to do, I stop and go back to the script. This presumes an importance on how I determine what goes on the list for the day. At the end of each day I prayerfully consider what is priority for tomorrow and what is the best use of my time when I build the next day’s “Daily Sanity.” That way, when I get to the office, I can hit the ground running.
Perhaps this is just what you need to handle your busy schedule. Or maybe there are elements of it that will jog your creativity. Maybe nothing will be used. Regardless, whatever you adopt as YOUR “Daily Sanity”, be sure to remain focused on the priorities and you’ll be Serving Strong!
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