People helping is a profession worth pursuing. There are a lot of avenues within which to serve: ministry, healthcare, social service, caregiving... the list goes on and on. People are in need all around us. Some need a home. Others need to eat. There are those with mental disabilities, physical disabilities; those who need justice; some with dimentia; some with criminal records; others in accidents; broken homes; broken relationships.....
How are you pointing your span of care to God through your service? Of course, I'm not implying we USE our service to get people in front of God. But God is working through us for a higher purpose. Food, shelter, justice, etc. - these are all necessities. They are also temporary. What will last is a personal journey with God.
So, I challenge you to add something to your thinking/planning alone time (you DO have that periodically, don't you???). Call it your SOULAR PANEL. Periodically ask yourself how your acts of mercy are producing movement in the lives of your span of care back toward a relationship with the Christ who loves them and died for them.
Add a Soular Panel to your planning time and you'll be Serving Strong!
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