A while back, the movie "The Passion of the Christ" came out. Directed by Mel Gibson, it was a portrayal of the intense agony Christ experienced on our behalf. It was a deeply spiritual experience for most of those who went to see it in the theaters.
There is one very significant point in the movie which I think is incredibly applicable to us today. According to Pastor David J. Meyer of Last Trumpet Ministries, Mel Gibson was interviewed by Diane Sawyer. Sawyer asked him, "It's your hand in the film holding the nail?" He answered, "It is, yeah, my left hand."
Why the left hand? In the occult, the left hand indicates "the force", and the Latin for left is sinister. Apparently, there is a high order in esoteric Illuminism called Ordo Sinistra Vivendi or "Order of the Left Hand Path." Its purpose is to destroy Christianity by deception.
What's this have to do with people-helpers?
This Holy Week, as you reflect on where your strength comes from, consider this: As long as YOUR hand (your "left hand") is holding on to the reigns, you are deceiving yourself. Your strength in helping people comes from letting go and allowing HIS hand to hold the reigns. It's a paradox. When we let go, we gain His control.
How are you reflecting on Christ this week leading up to Easter? Is your strength coming from your own efforts? Or is it coming from the only one true Source? Let go. It's the only way to Serve Strong!
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