Each day we are faced with numerous decisions. Some decisions are quite inconsequential (Which way should I drive to the office? what shirt should I wear? Etc.) Other decisions have a profound and lasting impact on us. We live with these decisions for a long time (Should I buy that car? Where do we send our kids to college? Should I confront that person about their bad behavior? Etc.)
Wrestling with decisions in our role as parents is extremely important. We are faced with challenges of varying degree and intensity. The decisions depend on the ages of our kids. The teenage years tend to be the season with the most emotion. In the moment of decisions as a parent, it's important to make the right decisions.
How does a parent know they are making the right decisions with their kids?
The truth is, we don't always know until days, weeks, or even years later. But here's one way to put it in perspective: The next time you are faced with a decision, ask yourself this question: "What decision will I most likely look back and be glad I made?"
For example, let's say your son asks if he can go out with Jim and Steve. You know Jim has been in trouble with school authorities and Steve has gotten at least 2 speeding tickets. As you filter your decision through the question (What decision will I most likely look back and be glad I made?) you may find it easier to say "no" and stick to your decision, regardless of how hard your son pushes.
Parenting is never going to be an exact science. But your unconditional love, acceptance, and firm but loving boundary-setting will more likely set a positive trajectory. Handle parenting decisions with grace and prayer. It will help you Serve Strong!
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