Okay, this post is just for the guys out there.
For the most part, we of the male species approach relationships a bit different than our counterparts. We tend to only listen if we're the ones asking the question. We want to fix the problem when all that's needed is a listening ear. We grunt and beat our chests. We're impatient. We want to see hockey players slam up against the glass and lose a front tooth. We want to see two guys beat themselves senseless in a ring before hundreds of cheering onlookers.
Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh for a characterization. But isn't it true that we tend to forget marriage is about romance? I do. From time to time, I confess I have to remember my wife is more than the person who cooks me fish, washes my underwear, and cleans the rugs. She's a person.
So I've been trying my best to remember to add a little romance into our relationship now and then. Here are some "random acts of romance" I've picked up along the way (maybe they'll help jump start your own romance):
- Take some eyeliner or lipstick and write "I love you" on the bathroom mirror (just be sure there's enough left for her to get ready that morning or you'll have another problem!)
- Write a small note of thanks and slip it into one of her socks in the drawer
- Call her midday and tell her you just called to say you love her
- Bring flowers home
- Schedule an evening where you take full responsibility for the kids, chores, dinner, etc. and let her go out with friends or to a coffee shop to read by herself
- Give her a foot massage
- Buy a love poem book and read one to her before you both go to sleep
- Make a habit of looking her in the eye and smiling first thing in the door from work
- Get into the habit of saying, "I understand"
- Get into the habit of saying, "Tell me about your day"
- Listen with your eyes, and body language
Marriages are such an integral part of our ministry to others. When our marriage isn't strong, our effectiveness is impacted. Invest in your marriage. Be guilty of performing "random acts of romance" and you'll be Serving Strong!
Nice twist on random acts of kindness. Great reminder and list of simple ways to demonstrate love to our wives.
I suspect your last item on active listening is the most important. If I did all of the other suggestions and didn't listen attentively, the impact of the other acts would be reduced to nothing.
Posted by: Roger Carr | January 06, 2008 at 12:56 PM
You're right. If we listen effectively, our spouse will end up telling us how we can serve them the best.
Posted by: Scott Couchenour | January 06, 2008 at 01:59 PM