Dennis Rainey has an excellent article at stressing the importance of romance in our marriages. In Song of Solomon, the author identifies "little foxes" that can come and ruin the "vineyard" of marriage. They include:
- Wrong priorities
- Young kids and their energy
- Teenagers who stay up late
- Finances
- Changing seasons of marriage
- Poor health
- Busy-ness
- Unrealistic expectations
- A critical spirit
- Conflict unresolved
Okay, so it's good to be aware of the "little foxes". That's half the battle. Dennis Rainey goes on to list 3 suggestions for putting the spark back in your marriage. Visit the entire article by clicking HERE.
If you are serving others and you are married, you carry a unique load. It's vital that you keep your marriage strong and up to date. There are a lot of articles floating around about making sure our ministries are relevant to the culture around us. Don't neglect what is necessary to keep your own marriage relevant.
A strong marriage - part of what it means to be serving strong!
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